How to reset your password
If you can't log in with your current password, navigate to and select Can't access your account?
Enter your username and the CAPTCHA
Click I forgot my password
You will then be prompted to choose 2 verification steps to verify your identity. If you do not have access to these methods, you will need to reach out to the Help Desk at
Following this, you will be able to set a new password for your account.
Password Requirement: Minimum 16 characters
Can only reset once a day
Can't have "MSOE" "Summer" or your ID number
Can't be an ascending or descending order of some sort
Can't be one of your previously used passwords.
Don't use a password that is the same or similar to one you use on any other website
Don't use a single word, for example, password, or a commonly used phrase like Iloveyou
Make passwords hard to guess, even by those who know a lot about you, such as the names and birthdays of your friends and family, your favorite bands, and phrases you like to use
Use a longer phrase with spaces between words and include some creative spellings and special characters
Note: Windows 10 computer passwords will not update until you are on campus